Thursday, March 20, 2025 6:51:16 AM
New Song
- 102:04Holy and Honorable DayFeast
- 202:20Blessings on the SabbathFeast
- 302:48Today’s the Holy Sabbath DayFeast
- 402:21Sabbath, the Day of Our CreatorFeast
- 502:06Aimlessly, We Were WanderingFeast
- 602:28Blessed and Holy Sabbath DayFeast
- 702:41Through the Passover Bread and WineFeast
- 803:00The New Covenant Established by SacrificeFeast
- 903:46A Song for Our RedeemerFeast
- 1003:03God’s Sacrifice of the PassoverFeast
- 1102:57The Sacrifice of the Feast of Unleavened BreadFeast
- 1201:52The Day of PentecostFeast
- 1301:56he Feast of TrumpetsFeast
- 1402:40The Day of AtonementFeast
- 1502:04The Feast of TabernaclesFeast
- 1602:09Through the Feast of TabernaclesFeast
- 1702:05The Seven Thunders Have Been UnsealedFeast
- 1803:20When We Ascend Upon CloudsGlory
- 1902:30Hosanna! Receive Elohim!Glory
- 2001:58All the World, Do Not Be Silent!Glory
- 2103:12Praise God Who Is LightGlory
- 2202:01Chosen People of Mighty GodGlory
- 2302:07Those Who Fulfill God’s ProphecyGlory
- 2402:36The Whole World Was Full of DarknessGlory
- 2502:13He Has Come as King David!Glory
- 2602:42Father Is My Light of LifeGlory
- 2701:54Mother’s Water of LifeGlory
- 2803:19The Last SecretGlory
- 2902:44The Glory of JerusalemGlory
- 3001:28You Are the Most Marvelous GodGlory
- 3101:31King of Kings and Lord of LordsGlory
- 3202:05Jerusalem’s GloryGlory
- 3304:05Overflowing Water of LifeGlory
- 3402:15Jerusalem, JerusalemGlory
- 3503:49The New NameGlory
- 3601:53From the Rising of the SunGlory
- 3701:44The Mystery That Was HiddenGlory
- 3801:38O Holy God AhnsahnghongGlory
- 3902:02Give Ear to the News of Salvation!Glory
- 4002:30The New JerusalemGlory
- 4102:06Give Praises to the King of KingsGlory
- 4203:35As Little Streams GatherGlory
- 4301:47God’s Mighty HandGlory
- 4402:10How Precious Is Our Mother’s Love!Glory
- 4501:57From Zion, God Shines ForthGlory
- 4602:37Receive the Holy SpiritGlory
- 4702:14To the High Expanse AboveGlory
- 4803:15O Father Ahnsahnghong, Be Exalted!Glory
- 4902:05Water of Life From Heavenly MotherGlory
- 5002:41Heavenly Father Made All ThingsGlory
- 5102:13All Praise and Glory to Elohim!Glory
- 5202:35When We Were in Deep GriefGlory
- 5301:56Mighty God the Creator’s Great GloryGlory
- 5401:56Behold, the Splendid Glory!Glory
- 5502:03Do You Hear the Watchmen’s Voice?Glory
- 5602:00Sing a New Song to Mighty GodGlory
- 5702:49Mother’s Love That Has Been HiddenGlory
- 5802:42With These Little Lips of MineGlory
- 5902:52Cyrus, the One Anointed by GodGlory
- 6002:34All Who Serve the Ark of GodGlory
- 6101:52Christ Ahnsahnghong the True ShepherdGlory
- 6202:35Oh, Mother Covers My Poor SoulGlory
- 6302:01All Oceans Have Been DividedGlory
- 6402:45Hosanna! Sing Praises to God!Glory
- 6502:26You Are the Light of Our LifeGlory
- 6602:31Forever, I Will Long for JerusalemThanks
- 6702:26Seeking for Her Lost ChildrenThanks
- 6803:43Father Ahnsahnghong of LoveThanks
- 6902:41What Will Heaven Be Like?Thanks
- 7001:54Heavenly Father! Heavenly Mother!Thanks
- 7102:41If Our Hope Was Only for This LifeThanks
- 7203:35Words Cannot Express My ThanksThanks
- 7302:43Father, How Much Did You Love Us?Thanks
- 7401:53Now I Know the ChristThanks
- 7501:49Holy Is the New NameThanks
- 7602:29God Ahnsahnghong My FatherThanks
- 7702:28Through the Wisdom of My GodThanks
- 7802:34Heavenly Mother Left Her Splendid ThroneThanks
- 7902:49Only ThanksThanks
- 8002:55Give Thanks to GodThanks
- 8102:34Heavenly Father’s Boundless SacrificeThanks
- 8202:55Thanksgiving to Mother Overflows in MeThanks
- 8302:41While Living in This WorldThanks
- 8402:34With All My Heart and SoulThanks
- 8502:33The Shepherd of My SoulThanks
- 8602:34Our Great and Grievous SinsThanks
- 8702:31Holy Is Mother’s NameThanks
- 8803:18Is There a Greater Joy Than Walking With God?Thanks
- 8902:58At This Blissful HourThanks
- 9002:28I Enter the Gates of ZionThanks
- 9102:58Indeed, How Blessed We All Are!Thanks
- 9202:52Blossoms of LifeThanks
- 9302:52Mother, Mother, I Miss You So MuchThanks
- 9402:35Mother, Mother, O My MotherThanks
- 9502:10My Heart Overflows With Great JoyThanks
- 9601:42Holy, Holy, AlmightyThanks
- 9702:27It Is GloryThanks
- 9802:26What Fills Up Our Hearts?Thanks
- 9902:42What Are We?Thanks
- 10002:18We Cannot Fathom the Love and GraceThanks
- 10102:00As a Grain of Wheat Bears FruitFaith
- 10202:27All You Saints Who Live Holy LivesFaith
- 10302:44Chosen PeopleFaith
- 10402:17We Praise, Worship GodFaith
- 10502:55We Follow the Order of MelchizedekFaith
- 10602:59We Love Your Commands More Than Pure GoldFaith
- 10702:14All You, Pass Through the Red SeaFaith
- 10802:05Behold, Holy Zion!Faith
- 10902:59How Precious Is This News of LifeFaith
- 11005:08In the Most Holy PlaceFaith
- 11102:42Oh, Blessed Is the ManFaith
- 11202:15Oh, Like the Five Wise VirginsFaith
- 11303:21In the Desert of FaithFaith
- 11404:37Sing Praise to God Ahnsahnghong!Faith
- 11503:46Mother Builds the TempleFaith
- 11603:19I Will Be a Clean and Pure TempleFaith
- 11703:06To Him Who Has a Good WillFaith
- 11803:06Saints of Early Church Kept God’s CommandsFaith
- 11902:35How Can I Have the Faith of Abraham?Faith
- 12002:24Mother Shines the Light of LifeFaith
- 12103:07All You Stars of ZionFaith
- 12202:34Day by Day, Let Us MeetFaith
- 12302:43Truly You Are Almighty GodFaith
- 12402:20I’m the ResurrectionFaith
- 12501:47Now I Hear Father’s Earnest VoiceFaith
- 12602:22Ahnsahnghong Our Father Came to EarthFaith
- 12702:38Holy, Holy God AhnsahnghongFaith
- 12802:41From the East, the Savior Has ComeFaith
- 12901:54O God ElohimFaith
- 13001:22Blow the Trumpet, Circle the CityFaith
- 13104:17Mother’s Earnest VoiceFaith
- 13202:06Oh, the Glory of God AhnsahnghongFaith
- 13303:13I Don’t Have Any Hate in MeFaith
- 13401:43He Who Fears God ElohimFaith
- 13502:16When We Have True FaithFaith
- 13602:57Mother, Let Us Be Your StarsFaith
- 13702:05Moses and the Prophets TestifyFaith
- 13802:15He Who OvercomesFaith
- 13902:41Our Mother’s Kind and Tender VoiceFaith
- 14002:10Great and Most Holy GodFaith
- 14102:03Never-Ending Water of LifeFaith
- 14202:27When He Came for ThirtySeven YearsFaith
- 14302:10Elijah, Our God AhnsahnghongFaith
- 14402:03O Mother Is My LifeFaith
- 14502:15Our Souls Rest in ZionFaith
- 14603:02The Staff of MosesFaith
- 14701:36He Who Believes the NameFaith
- 14802:09The Law of FatherFaith
- 14902:11The Hill of God, ZionFaith
- 15003:00Lastly, I Request YouFaith
- 15102:58He Has Saved MeFaith
- 15202:33God Ahnsahnghong Gives Me LifeFaith
- 15302:21O My Heavenly Father of Love!Faith
- 15403:00We Too Will Follow MotherFaith
- 15502:27He’s the Root of DavidFaith
- 15601:56I Will Help YouFaith
- 15702:50The Scent of a Cedar TreeFaith
- 15803:52Ahnsahnghong Our Father Came in the FleshFaith
- 15904:06To Seek the Lost ChildrenFaith
- 16002:30The Shout of JoshuaFaith
- 16102:04With What Shall I Come Before My God?Faith
- 16202:00They Will Renew Your StrengthFaith
- 16302:42I Have Already ComeFaith
- 16402:28Today, I Go to ZionFaith
- 16502:32God Knows the BeginningFaith
- 16602:38There’s a Lamp in the Dark WorldFaith
- 16702:26O Mother, You Are LifeFaith
- 16802:59I Had Gone AstrayFaith
- 16903:18Through BaptismFaith
- 17002:35Oh, I Live in the Grace of My FatherFaith
- 17102:34When I Walked the Way of the WorldFaith
- 17203:15My Holy Father of LifeFaith
- 17302:15O God, Have Mercy on MeFaith
- 17402:27Heaven’s Mother Is the WayFaith
- 17502:42If I Do Not Plow My Hardened HeartFaith
- 17602:34God Said to AbrahamFaith
- 17702:02Swiftly I Will Do ThisFaith
- 17803:08I Have Started a JourneyFaith
- 17902:43Today I Walk the Way of My FatherFaith
- 18002:05Those Who Grieve Over the Appointed FeastsFaith
- 18102:06Glorious Name of New JerusalemFaith
- 18202:42A Person Who Changes the WorldFaith
- 18302:15The Way Home at SunsetHope
- 18402:41When the Morning BreaksHope
- 18503:06Heaven, My Everlasting HomeHope
- 18602:22Lift Up Your Eyes and See the UniverseHope
- 18703:19O Garden Where I LivedHope
- 18804:06My Home Is HeavenHope
- 18903:07Beside the Beautiful River of LifeHope
- 19001:56Joy and Glory on the DayHope
- 19102:02I Imagine to MyselfHope
- 19203:24I Miss Mother’s VoiceHope
- 19302:42We Will Go Back HomeHope
- 19402:34This Earthly and IncompleteHope
- 19503:21Before I Knew My FatherHope
- 19604:13I Miss the Angelic WorldHope
- 19703:08On the Crystal Sea of GlassHope
- 19802:57O Eternal EdenHope
- 19902:01In the Time of EternityHope
- 20002:28Heaven’s Banquet Full of GloryHope
- 20103:53Christ Ahnsahnghong Gave Us Bright LightHope
- 20203:19When We Go to Mount ZionHope
- 20304:08Oh, What Am I?Hope
- 20402:21Ahnsahnghong Christ Established the New CovenantHope
- 20502:48Heavenly Light of LifeHope
- 20603:05Father Came to Seek UsHope
- 20703:06Lift Your Eyes and Look ForwardHope
- 20803:33We Will Be Changed in a FlashHope
- 20902:38Like a Bird Soaring UpHope
- 21005:37Heavenly Throne High AboveHope
- 21102:32All the Names of the Children of HeavenHope
- 21202:32Oh, Please Allow My HeartHope
- 21303:14O My Dear Heavenly Home!Hope
- 21403:19Although I Pray With TearsHope
- 21502:27I Miss My Heavenly HomeHope
- 21603:39God Gives His LightHope
- 21702:25Humble Brothers, Tender SistersHope
- 21804:08HomeHope
- 21901:36We Will Go Back to Heaven!Hope
- 22002:44The Bright Morning of the ResurrectionHope
- 22102:45There Is Only Heaven in My HeartHope
- 22201:49Oh, My Heavenly Father Guides MeHope
- 22301:53The Troubles of Our LifeHope
- 22404:01Spreading My Silver WingsHope
- 22504:37The Lights in the Expanse of the SkyLove
- 22602:34Do You Feel Mother’s Love?Love
- 22703:42How Beautiful Is the Love!Love
- 22802:42Though He Came Riding on a Little ColtLove
- 22902:33My Heart Overflows With LoveLove
- 23003:05You Are LifeLove
- 23103:38When I Come to Think of Beautiful HeavenLove
- 23203:02Oh, Wondrous LoveLove
- 23301:53Love Is PatientLove
- 23403:36Mother, MotherLove
- 23502:29Today, I Saw Your True and Earnest LoveLove
- 23602:35For Whose Sin Have You Spent Painful Days?Love
- 23703:43Brotherly Love in ZionLove
- 23803:41Heavenly Mother of Love!Love
- 23902:41Who on Earth Forgets His Sleep?Love
- 24002:04Mother, You Are LoveLove
- 24102:22Beautiful Is TodayLove
- 24203:30Hiding Heaven’s GloryLove
- 24302:41O Mother of LoveLove
- 24402:52O Merciful GodLove
- 24502:05With Our Hearts Full of LoveLove
- 24602:56Bearing All My SinsLove
- 24702:21God Bless YouLove
- 24804:28Love One AnotherLove
- 24903:47Invisible LoveLove
- 25004:09Has God Indeed Come to This Earth?Love
- 25103:03The Earth Was FormlessLove
- 25202:21Zion Overflows With Loving KindnessLove
- 25302:35Wedding Clothes of MotherLove
- 25402:27WeLove
- 25502:26When I Was FaintLove
- 25603:38O My Dear BrotherLove
- 25702:32Humble YourselfLove
- 25801:41Dear FriendsLove
- 25902:41When We Live in UnityLove
- 26002:45When We All, Like Sheep, Go AstrayLove
- 26102:33Six Thousand-Year-Long PartingLove
- 26202:40Our Love and Joy and PeaceLove
- 26302:05Heavenly Mother Tells Us to Be GrainsLove
- 26402:52Being Moved by the SpiritLove
- 26502:05Let Us All Love One AnotherLove
- 26603:11Mother! Without You, I Can Neither HopeLove
- 26702:01Children of Promise Like IsaacLove
- 26802:34Ahnsahnghong Our God Created LifeLove
- 26901:48How Great Is the Love of Father!Love
- 27002:30With Heaven’s Holy LoveLove
- 27103:19How Great Is Your Mercy!Love
- 27202:27In Our ImageLove
- 27302:42I’m Sorry, Please Forgive MeLove
- 27402:20A Voice Full of LoveLove
- 27503:17Father Came From the EastLove
- 27602:33Jerusalem, Holy Dwelling PlaceLove
- 27702:04Early in the MorningLove
- 27803:22City of Love, JerusalemSacrifice
- 27902:17Father, Please Let Me Know Your LoveSacrifice
- 28002:24Mother, Through Your Great LoveSacrifice
- 28103:20The Pain of FatherSacrifice
- 28203:27A Lovely Peach Tree Bears FruitSacrifice
- 28304:09Now I Can Hear My Father’s VoiceSacrifice
- 28403:47Holy Is Your SacrificeSacrifice
- 28502:17Lost Children Who Were in DarknessSacrifice
- 28602:26When the Leaves of the Fig Tree Come OutSacrifice
- 28703:24Mother Walked Among the Fiery StonesSacrifice
- 28803:02The Lamb Is SacrificedSacrifice
- 28904:42Seeking Lost ChildrenSacrifice
- 29001:55How Did You Bear the Painful Suffering?Sacrifice
- 29102:49Father, How Did You Bear?Sacrifice
- 29202:49Mother of My LifeSacrifice
- 29303:18All You Who Love JerusalemSacrifice
- 29403:30Have You Come to Save Me?Sacrifice
- 29502:56Precious and Great SacrificeSacrifice
- 29602:41Sacrifice of the High PriestSacrifice
- 29703:47Father Climbed Up Steep Hills and MountsSacrifice
- 29803:21Leaving Behind Heaven’s GlorySacrifice
- 29902:42Father Came to Seek SinnersSacrifice
- 30003:28Father, on Both of Your Rough HandsSacrifice
- 30103:01The True Light CameSacrifice
- 30202:35Holy City of God, JerusalemSacrifice
- 30302:30The Last Adam and the Last EveSacrifice
- 30402:50For a Long Time, Six Thousand YearsSacrifice
- 30503:25Who Has Believed What We Reported?Sacrifice
- 30603:18A Man From the EastSacrifice
- 30703:44In the Garden of GethsemaneSacrifice
- 30802:38Though I Longed to Call to YouRepentance
- 30902:57How Proud and Arrogant We WereRepentance
- 31002:56If I Had My Father’s EyesRepentance
- 31102:43I Repent of My SinRepentance
- 31203:23Mother, I Am a SinnerRepentance
- 31302:05Now RepentRepentance
- 31402:41O Heavenly Mother of LoveRepentance
- 31502:32Heavenly Father AhnsahnghongRepentance
- 31602:32We Confess All Our Grave SinsRepentance
- 31703:37What Am I That You Came Down?Repentance
- 31804:17Cleanse Me From My SinRepentance
- 31903:43I Did Not Realize BeforeRepentance
- 32003:01O My Dear Brothers and Sisters!Preaching
- 32102:05Father Ahnsahnghong Came From the EastPreaching
- 32203:23Glory of God AhnsahnghongPreaching
- 32304:04O Heaven Where I Lived!Preaching
- 32401:25O Faithful Watchmen of Truth!Preaching
- 32501:28We Are Called to Be WorkersPreaching
- 32603:12We Preach God AhnsahnghongPreaching
- 32702:09Preach to the Whole WorldPreaching
- 32802:25Through His Flesh and BloodPreaching
- 32902:20To Our Nest of LovePreaching
- 33002:26We Have Hope for HeavenPreaching
- 33102:00On the Walls of JerusalemPreaching
- 33202:16Created by God ElohimPreaching
- 33302:59Heavenly FatherPreaching
- 33402:11Blow the Gospel TrumpetPreaching
- 33503:25Let’s Save the WorldPreaching
- 33602:21Let Us Preach God’s Salvation!Preaching
- 33701:56Look at All the Vast FieldsPreaching
- 33802:02With the Burning TorchesPreaching
- 33901:56Receive the Promised Holy SpiritPreaching
- 34002:32Seasons of the GospelPreaching
- 34102:24Taking the Sword of the WordPreaching
- 34202:26O Valiant Warriors of the TruthPreaching
- 34302:24Ahnsahnghong Our Father PreachedPreaching
- 34402:20Wake Up, Arise and ShinePreaching
- 34502:35Clothe Yourselves With StrengthPreaching
- 34602:13Let’s Go to the Ends of the Earth!Preaching
- 34702:49Heaven’s Kingdom Is NearPreaching
- 34802:05From a Small Land in the EastPreaching
- 34902:13Let’s Go to the WorldPreaching
- 35002:36Go and Make DisciplesPreaching
- 35101:57All the Youth of ZionPreaching
- 35202:33Save One SoulPreaching
- 35303:42Behold! Come to Hear!Preaching
- 35402:42Wherever We GoPreaching
- 35502:15Holy Spirit on the Feast of TabernaclesPreaching
- 35602:06Now’s the Time to Wake UpPreaching
- 35701:52To the New World of the Good NewsPreaching
- 35802:01Children of JerusalemPreaching
- 35901:57Now Arise Gospel Workers!Preaching
- 36002:01You Who Live Everlasting LifePreaching
- 36102:48O Youth of Zion, Watchmen of TruthPreaching
- 36201:53We Are on the Stage of GodPreaching
- 36302:05The Gospel of GloryPreaching
- 36401:50Heaven’s Gates Have Opened WidePreaching
- 36502:00With a Heart Full of JoyPreaching
- 36603:58Behold, the Sound of TrumpetsPreaching
- 36701:38Without Someone PreachingPreaching
- 36802:06Awake, You Men of ElohimPreaching
- 36901:55Shout Aloud!Preaching
- 37002:41Hand in Hand, Let’s Rise UpPreaching
- 37103:03You Will Reign Over the Spacious UniversePreaching
- 37202:28O My MotherPrayer
- 37302:55Fill Me With Your Holy SpiritPrayer
- 37402:26At This Hour, I Pray to GodPrayer
- 37501:38PrayerPrayer
- 37602:04Father, Let Me EndurePrayer
- 37702:26Ahnsahnghong My God AlmightyPrayer
- 37803:12I Cry Aloud to YouPrayer
- 37902:27Through Those Moved by the Holy SpiritPrayer
- 38002:10O My Holy GodPrayer
- 38102:33Mother, You Have SacrificedPrayer
- 38202:31Holy Spirit of the TruthPrayer
- 38303:08O Merciful FatherPrayer
- 38402:40In the Love of MotherPrayer
- 38502:41Prayer of a SinnerPrayer
- 38604:19Be Swift to ComePrayer
- 38702:49O Father, Let Me Know Your LovePrayer
- 38802:20Let Me ServePrayer
- 38902:37Out of Heaven, Favor of GodCeremony
- 39002:25O Day of Rest and GladnessFeast
- 39102:45Low in the Grave He LayFeast
- 39202:18Holy, Holy, Holy!Glory
- 39301:51Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and VoicesGlory
- 39402:56How Great Thou ArtGlory
- 39503:34Majestic Sweetness Sits EnthronedGlory
- 39601:51Come, Thou Almighty KingGlory
- 39701:54Joyful, Joyful, We Adore TheeGlory
- 39802:46He Leadeth Me!Thanks
- 39903:24I Was a Wandering SheepThanks
- 40002:16Take Me, O My Father, Take MeThanks
- 40102:25Glorious Things of Thee Are SpokenFaith
- 40202:09Heavenly SunlightFaith
- 40301:58There Is Sunshine in My Soul TodayFaith
- 40402:37Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound!Faith
- 40502:11Follow OnFaith
- 40602:54A Mighty Fortress Is Our GodFaith
- 40702:12There Is Power in the BloodFaith
- 40802:43Launch OutFaith
- 40903:03Wonderful Words of LifeFaith
- 41003:35Where He Leads MeFaith
- 41103:07There Is a Fountain Filled With BloodFaith
- 41202:24’Tis So Sweet to Trust in FatherFaith
- 41303:12I Know Whom I Have BelievedFaith
- 41402:49I’m RedeemedFaith
- 41503:36Wonderful PeaceFaith
- 41604:20Father, I ComeFaith
- 41704:04Nearer, My God, to TheeFaith
- 41802:05Come, Thou Fount of Every BlessingFaith
- 41902:32Faith of Our FathersFaith
- 42002:15Come to the SaviorFaith
- 42102:00Christ Ahnsahnghong’s Waiting NowFaith
- 42202:20All the Way My Savior Leads MeFaith
- 42303:17Let Father Come Into Your HeartFaith
- 42402:30My Father, as Thou Wilt!Hope
- 42503:07The Bright, Heavenly WayHope
- 42602:01My Hope Is Built on Nothing LessHope
- 42702:20Blessed QuietnessHope
- 42802:06When the Roll Is Called up YonderHope
- 42903:01Wear a CrownHope
- 43002:10Where Father Is, ’Tis Heaven ThereHope
- 43102:46Under His WingsHope
- 43203:29O Thou, in Whose PresenceHope
- 43303:01Beulah LandHope
- 43403:02Mother, Keep Me Near Thy StreamsHope
- 43502:28In One Fraternal Bond of LoveLove
- 43602:24Something for TheeLove
- 43702:33Father Loves Even MeLove
- 43802:42The Love of GodLove
- 43901:41Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?Love
- 44002:38Father, I Stretch My Hands to TheeRepentance
- 44102:15Are You Washed in the Blood?Repentance
- 44202:23I Am Thine, O GodRepentance
- 44302:39Though Your Sins Be As ScarletRepentance
- 44402:06Work, for the Night Is ComingPreaching
- 44502:27Throw Out the Life-LinePreaching
- 44602:09Bringing in the SheavesPreaching
- 44703:23Far and Near the Fields Are TeemingPreaching
- 44803:05O Spread the Tidings ’RoundPreaching
- 44903:20Softly and Tenderly Father Is CallingPreaching
- 45003:19The Prodigal ChildPreaching
- 45102:00Glory to His NamePreaching
- 45203:24Sweet Hour of PrayerPrayer
- 45302:23Higher GroundPrayer
- 45402:25Father, Hide MePrayer
- 45502:25Pass Me Not, O Gentle SaviorPrayer
- 45602:07I Have Wandered Far IndeedPrayer
- 45702:32Father Paid It AllPrayer
- 45804:26Fill Me NowPrayer
- 45902:24Have We Trials and Temptations?Prayer
- 46003:38I Hear Thy Welcome VoicePrayer
- 46103:07There Shall Be Showers of BlessingPrayer
- 46202:06Rock of Ages, Cleft for MeCeremony
- 46303:13The Haven of RestCeremony
- 46401:56I’m but a Stranger HereCeremony
- 46502:45When the Toils of Life Are OverCeremony
- 46602:29One Sweetly Solemn ThoughtCeremony
- 46702:37O That Will Be GloryCeremony
- 46802:07Sweetly RestingCeremony
- 46903:08The Sweet By and ByCeremony
- 47003:10God Be With You Till We Meet AgainCeremony
- 47101:18Worship Our Father and MotherSilent Prayer
- 47201:18Sincere and Earnest PrayerSilent Prayer
- 47301:19Our Father in HeavenSilent Prayer
- 47401:28Holy, HolySilent Prayer
- 47501:17O King of KingsSilent Prayer
- 47601:18The Love for ThirtySeven YearsSilent Prayer
- 47701:18I Pray EarnestlySilent Prayer
- 47801:18Oh, Beautiful Is HeavenSilent Prayer
- 47901:18Renew My Poor SoulSilent Prayer
- 48001:27Glory, GlorySilent Prayer
- 48101:47Praise Be to GodSilent Prayer
- 48201:17With All of Your HeartSilent Prayer
- 48301:17Heavenly Father and MotherSilent Prayer
- 48401:18O Holy God, We Worship YouSilent Prayer
- 48501:19Mother, New JerusalemSilent Prayer
- Appx.102:00The Kingdom of Heaven Will Come Very SoonHope
- Appx.202:01The Kingdom of Splendid Glory Is Drawing NearHope
- Appx.302:04The Day to Enter Heaven is Coming SoonHope
- Appx.402:01Oh, the Morning of Eternal Heaven Has DawnedHope
- Appx.501:57Let Us Complete the Gospel!Hope